
God created you to be happy and He blessed you with the great gift of finding a suitable partner with whom to live your life. If you follow God’s design for marriage and listen to His instructions and guidance when selecting a spouse, then you will have unbelievable happiness together as long as you both shall live. Sound too good to be true? Believe me, it isn’t. As long as you treat each other as God instructs, you will be blessed.


Summary of The Release

Noble Character: The Importance of a Proverbs 31 Woman in Your Marriage is an easy-to-read book that will help you understand the importance of specific qualities in your marriage. Whether you’re single, dating, or married this book has the ability to help you have a more enjoyable and fulfilling relationship. Men, you need to know what to seek in a wife. Women, you need to know how men should treat you. Noble Character provides biblical details to help you understand God’s plan for your relationship.


Full Release

Get the most out of your marriage starting today! Noble Character is for men and women alike. You both need to understand how God designed your relationship to be. If you follow God’s plans for marriage then you will have a very blessed union. However, if you neglect the biblical principles you may be asking for heartache and trouble.

This book will help you learn what a Proverbs 31 woman looks like. This is useful for women to help them understand how God intends them to build their character. In addition, it will show men what to seek in a wife. You’ll also learn how God instructs men to love and cherish their wives treating them properly with respect and honor.

Marriage is a two way street. Husbands and wives need to be working together as God designed marriage to be. It is a God appointed and ordained union. Any perversion of this union will cause problems. That is the truth. Therefore, make every effort to learn everything you can about God’s plan for your marriage.

The sooner you read Noble Character and allow it to guide you through the Scriptures the better. Allow this book to point you in the right direction as you dive into the Bible and understand what it says about marriage and relationships. If you’re single, this will prepare you for your future. If you’re in an unmarried relationship, this will help you learn how to improve that relationship and make sure it is the union God wants for you. If you’re married, this can help improve your marriage and make it exactly how God wants it to be.

Read Noble Character and start applying it to your life today! You’ll be glad you did, and so will your spouse.


Purchase And Contact Information

Consumers can purchase Noble Character: The Importance of a Proverbs 31 Woman in Your Marriage from online retailers such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or iTunes. You can also visit the Noble Character webpage for more retail locations.

For additional information about Noble Character, you may contact the author directly.


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Thank you,
Spencer Coffman

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