Deception Tip 62:
Some liars often say their statements twice with their voice rising the second time around.
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Hello and welcome to the Deception Tips podcast, where you will learn amazing cues to detect deceit that will help you read people like never before. I’m your host Spencer Coffman, let’s get started.
Welcome to episode 62 of the Deception Tips podcast. Thanks again for listening, this is very important to both you and me. I love it that you are continuing to listen to the deception tips podcast, that you are learning more and more about reading people and detecting deception so that you can spotlight and never be deceived again.
This is super awesome because there’s so much deception out there, everybody is trying to take advantage of somebody else or get ahead and they really tend to do that, whether they mean to or not, at other people’s expense.
So, if you can read these little hidden signs and understand body language and interpret the behavior and understand when someone is lying and when they’re telling the truth, then you will be much better off and much more secure and able to tell when someone is trying to take advantage of you.
Last time, we spoke of a deception tip that was related to one that was 40 episodes prior, so kind of cool there. We talked about Guessing Answers, how when a liar is not really giving you anything, they’re not saying much, they may not be talking at all. They’re really being stubborn, probably just sitting in the chair being very uncooperative, not talking.
Maybe not even looking at you, probably have their arms folded, their legs crossed, all kinds of stuff that you can just see that you need to pry them open. What this is you can get a list or a different suspicion where you may have narrowed it down to 5 or 10 different options. Typically, this is when somebody is hiding something, so they’re hiding something somewhere and you need to find out the answers.
It’s not like a story, as in what happened, it’s more of where did you put X, Y, Z, where’s the bomb hidden? Where is my cell phone? So, you would do this by taking them and sitting them down, they’re being uncooperative and you are going to start guessing answers.
So, you’re going to suggest or guess the possible outcomes of the situation. I bet it’s over here because you do X, Y, Z and you’re going to watch their body language and their reactions.
Anything that is anger or something like that is going to be more accurate. If it’s a smile or contempt or something that shows what we call ‘duping delight’, then you know you’re on the wrong track because they’re happy that they’re fooling you.
But if they get upset about it or angry or if they hold their breath or something like that, then you know that you’re on the right track because they’re mad you’re close to discovering the correct answer.
Remember this one was related to episode 40, actually, now it would be 41 but it was episode 21, suggesting answers. Suggesting answers is similar to guessing answers, but in this one, you are going to be suggesting the correct answer.
Well, you don’t know it’s correct but you’re going to suggest one after another, or you’re going to have a list of several of them and you could run your finger up and down the list.
Watch the person in their face, in their breathing, in their eyes, their mouth, and you’re going to see that when you suggest the correct answer that they will hold their breath, or they’ll freeze, or they’ll be surprised for a split second.
So, these tips really go hand in hand because in episode 21 ‘Suggesting Answers’, it was more about how they’re going to freeze, their mouth will be in the ‘O’ shape, they’re going to be surprised that you got the answer.
In episode 61, it’s how they’re going to hold their breath for a split second when you guess the correct answer. So, they’re very similar, you’re going to probably see all of them in a whole cluster of behaviors when this happens.
Usually, when someone is being deceptive and they’re not budging at all, they’re not even speaking and a target can come out and say, I know exactly where it is and they can give a few different options, and then all of a sudden they land on the correct one.
The liar is going to be so shocked, so surprised, how did they do that? Are they reading my mind? What is going on? Because typically, the liar is thinking about where they’ve hidden whatever objects and everything you say, whether it’s this or this, they’re thinking yes or no.
A cool game to try with this real quick and then we’re going to dive into the deception tip for today. A cool game to try with this, I’ve mentioned it before, by using a deck of cards.
Get a deck of cards out and have somebody pick a card, but do not give them the card just fan them out and have them select a card. Better yet, don’t even show them, just have them think of a card then you can take and start narrowing down the choices. Is the card red or black?
You can watch their body language, Okay, it must be a red card. Did they smile or are they contempt, what is it? Are they angry? Okay no. Okay, it’s a black card, then you can continue.
Alright, it must be a club or a spade, Bing, Bang, then you can go on to high or low cards, above 8 or lower than 8, a face card? No. One, two, three, okay it’s probably a two. Alright, it’s the two of clubs? I got it, the two of clubs, and they’re going to be like, oh my gosh, how did you do that?
You can play that little game with them to practice reading people and watching for those expressions because those expressions are going to be the same in that scenario and in a real-life situation where you are looking for the truth. So, practice that and I hope you do it a lot and you will notice that you will be able to read people a lot better after practicing that.
Alright, here we go, today Deception Tip number 62. Some liars often say their statements twice with their voice rising the second time around. Here it is again, Deception Tip 62. Some liars often say their statements twice with their voice rising the second time around. This is very important, many people say their statements twice, but they’re not necessarily all lying.
In fact, when you think of popular preachers or pastors or people giving speeches or lectures or anything like that, pay attention to them. Not everybody does this, but some people do and oftentimes, when they do, they do it way too often and it becomes very annoying when they continue to say their statement twice, their point. Whenever they are bringing up something, they’re talking, then they’re wrapping up a sentence.
They’ll say the end of the sentence, then they pause, then they say it again, then they continue on. They say their sentence, they pause, then they say it again and they do this over and over and over.
They are saying their statements twice for emphasis, to try to push it into your mind and of course, it does. What ends up happening if they do it too often is, you forget the message, you start realizing that it was so annoying, you hate it when they talk, and you become frustrated with it.
For those who do it right, the message is impacted, and you do remember it a lot more, but this is not that. We are going to talk about how when they lie and say it a second time for emphasis and their voice rises because of the change in pitch and the nervousness and all of that, but we will talk a lot more about it coming up right after this.
Do you want to be a lie spotter but don’t have time to do the research? Check out Spencer Coffman’s Deception Tips Blog and learn how to detect deception. You’ll be an expert at detecting lies. That’s spencercoffman.com.
Welcome back to Deception Tip episode number 62 where we are talking about how a liars’ voice may rise the second time around when they repeat their statement. It’s important to note that most people repeat their statements when trying to get a point across in a speech, a lecture or a sermon, or something like that, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re lying because they’re saying it for emphasis.
Usually, those types of people, their voice will go down. They say it in the sentence and then they stop, they say it again for emphasis, they stop, they say it again for emphasis, you get the idea. That’s not a lie, those are repeating something to let it sink in because it’s important in their message or their speech or their lecture or whatever they’re trying to do.
This is a lying behavior here, where they’re going to say it a second time and their voice will go up. So, where were you yesterday? Oh, I was at the farm, so it rises in pitch. Why does it raise in pitch? The reason is that when they’re nervous, they’re tense, most time when people are nervous, the tension in their body is going up, that is just natural, it’s hand in hand, I shouldn’t even have to say it.
We’ve talked about it many, many times, practically in every episode, so you know that when people lie, they are under a tremendous amount of stress and tension. This stress and tension do all kinds of things to the body. One of them, when they’re stressed, it has the diaphragm or the lungs, they all tense up, and contract.
In addition, sometimes the vocal cords or the throat, the larynx, all of that can tense or shrink or contract, whatever words you want to put with it. When people are tense, that stress comes through, the vocal cords can tighten up, which means their voice will rise because there’s less surface area and they’re tighter, it’s like with a rubber band.
If you have a rubber band and it’s really loose, it makes a lower sound, if any sound at all, if it’s really low we can’t hear. You tighten it up, now the sound gets higher and higher and higher until eventually, we can’t hear it on the other end. Just like a guitar string, you can tighten and tighten and tighten and eventually it’ll snap, but either way, when vocal cords are tighter, the sound is higher.
Typically, when someone is saying a lie and they’re repeating their statement, their vocal cords are tighter, which causes the rise in voice. One thing to note about this is voice-raising. Voice raising is something that can happen even if they don’t say their statements twice. For example, you can be on the phone with someone and you can be asking him certain questions.
Typically, you may be on the phone with your teenager, well, what are you doing tonight? Where are you going? Are you going home? They say, yeah, I’m going over to my friend’s house to watch the game or to study.
They may only say it once, but you may be able to hear their voice rise at the end of the sentence. They didn’t say the statement twice, but their voice rose at the end of that sentence.
In the English language culture, typically, when your voice rises at the end of a sentence, you’re asking a question. Why does the voice rise? Well, it rises because they’re unsure, you’re uncertain. You’re going to so and so today, right?
Your voice went up at the end. Why did it go up? Because I wasn’t sure where you were going, so I’m asking you, I’m getting information on something I don’t know, so there’s the key, I don’t know.
When you ask someone a question such as your teenager on the phone and their voice rises at the end of their sentence and they’re not asking a question, it means they don’t know. What don’t they know? Well, they don’t know whatever they just said, that means they’re lying.
So, if they say, well, I’m going over to Bobby’s house to study and you hear that voice rise at the end, you can be pretty sure that they may not be going over to Bobby’s house to study.
In fact, you may want to ask them again and see how they react or question it or push it, because usually when the voice rises at the end of a sentence in the English language culture, it means there’s a question that they don’t know. If they repeat themselves and it’s fine the first time and it rises the second time, now you know something’s going on because they have contracted their vocal cords to make it go up.
The unconscious mind is allowing some leakage to happen, the conscious mind doesn’t know what’s happening because it thinks it’s going on for emphasis. It thinks that things are all good, we’re getting away with a lie, but the unconscious knows, hey, I’m letting a sign of leakage get out, I’m getting past the conscious. Hopefully, someone will see it and the truth will be exposed because the unconscious is very, very truthful.
In fact, it is so truthful it doesn’t even know how to lie, it is the utmost truth. The conscious is self-serving and wants to get ahead, it is looking out for number one, it is preservation, it is getting out of things, it is covering things up to avoid trouble, avoid pain, and seek pleasure. Turns out Freud was right in that instance, that is what the conscious wants to do all the time.
The unconscious is leaking signs, so what you need to do is pay attention to these signs, and get them to move from your unconscious to your conscious so that you can learn to see them and recognize them so that you will be able to know when someone is lying to you.
I want to thank you for listening to the Deception Tips podcast. I really hope that you’ll share it with your friends, subscribe to the feed, check out the deception tips videos, the blog, and take a look at the books I have available as always, tune in next week for a new deception tip.
Video Transcript
Hey guys, my name is Spencer Coffman, thank you for watching the deception tips videos, they’re all about teaching you how to read people and detect deception so that you will be able to tell if someone is lying to you. Today, we’ve got a tip that we haven’t really talked about before, this is something that you are going to do, learn and understand so that you will know when people are starting to get on a path of lying or when they start to not believe what they say.
They need a little extra convincing or they really want to drive home a point or want to drive home a point. There’s a little tip because I said that twice, so I repeated what I said, why? Well, I was pushing something there, I was driving a point home. The point wasn’t really a point it was just an example but in the truthful circumstance that was the example that would be given, people repeat what they said to give the point a take-home point or the take-home message.
When people lie, they’re going to do that same thing but they’re going to push their story or certain parts of their story again, so it’s repeating what they’ve already said. So, here it is, this is deception tip number 62. Some liars often say their statements twice with their voice rising the second time around. So, there are two parts to this, they say the statements twice, so they’re saying it twice for a couple of reasons.
Number one, remember that battle between the conscious and the unconscious, the conscious wants that lie to go out, it’s saving themselves, it’s covering up something, it’s avoiding the consequence. The unconscious wants the truth to be found, wants it to be discovered and told and it’s very truthful, what happens here is there’s that battle going on.
When someone is telling a lie, they not only need to convince the other people of the lie, but they also need to convince themselves and saying this statement twice helps do that. It will get them to repeat what they’ve said so they are now going to convince themselves a little bit more than that lie is true to hopefully make it okay for them to continue telling that lie.
Hopefully okay, not really because no one should be lying all the time but that’s their intention when doing it twice, it’s the easing of their conscious mind in that, they’re saying it twice to convince themselves and other people. In addition, their voice could rise the second time around, why would it do that? Well, it rises because they know it’s not true, that’s the unconscious pushing in and saying no, you know it’s not true so it’s going to rise.
What does that sound like? When someone’s voice rises at the end of a sentence, we normally hear that in what type of sentences? Okay, I just did it right there and I asked you a question, therefore that is your answer. Usually, when the voice rises at the end of a sentence it’s a question, so that is the unconscious pushing it in.
If someone is making a statement twice and the voice is rising the second time around, they’re questioning, that means they don’t really believe what they’re saying. They are not a hundred percent committed to what is being said, to what is coming out of their mouth, it’s a lie. It’s not always a lie, remember there can be circumstances where they’re trying to drive home the point and they repeat it.
You hear this a lot in Universities, lectures, public speakers, sermons, things like that where people, they repeat the last part of their sentence to drive home the point. Usually, there’s a pause between there, so they would say it then they’d pause and then they repeat it, there’s that pause. Also, they usually say it slower, so if I’m going to drive home a point, I would say it slower, if I’m going to drive home a point.
So, that’s how you’d hear it, that’s the more truthful variation, so when you hear that kind of stuff think to yourself is this person trying to get a message across or are they saying it to convince themselves and other people of this story or this lie. How do you know? Well, are they saying it in that staccato fashion to drive the point home or are they speaking it normally?
Is their voice rising? What are some other factors that were going on? Can you notice any other signs, patterns, clusters? So, pay attention to the whole works and use your discernment to judge the entire situation not only one specific behavior.
So, if this is your first time watching these videos, I’d love to have you subscribe to the channel on YouTube, feel free to comment with any questions you may have as well. Also, if you’d like some more information, we’ve got books, blog posts, and podcasts all available on spencercoffman.com that are dedicated to teaching you exactly what every body is really saying.
Until next time.