Watch this video to see how you can set up your Steemit account to automatically share blog posts to your LinkedIn account. LinkedIn is a place filled with entrepreneurs, hustlers, and go-getters. Therefore, it’s the perfect place to share your Steemit posts. Doing so will really help grow your Steemit blog, which will enable you to start earning more Steem Dollars. You’ll gain more exposure by sharing to LinkedIn and it will also help your LinkedIn account grow because you’ll be actively sharing content!

The best part is that you can set this up to run all on its own. You won’t have to manually paste links or share content. It will be done completely on autopilot using a cool platform called If This Then That or IFTTT. Therefore, if you don’t have an IFTTT account then check out this post on how to create an IFTTT account.

Once you have your account, watch this video. If videos aren’t your thing, then check out the transcript below to read all about how to automatically share your Steemit posts to LinkedIn using If This Then That.

One important thing to note is that the method in this video uses Streemian RSS feeds. However, unfortunately, Streemian RSS has been discontinued. Therefore, here is the RSS URL you will have to use. entry-title&url_contains=

Hey guys Spencer Coffman here. Today I’m going to show you how you can automatically share your Steemit posts with your LinkedIn network. To get started, you’re obviously going to need a Steemit account and a LinkedIn account. You will also need an account on a cool medium service called IFTTT, or If This Then That. To learn how to create that account watch my video. It’s very easy.

Once you have that account created, you will go to a place here called ‘my applets’ or applications and then click on ‘new applet’. Okay, you see this big green thing down here? It looks like a button that you should click on. Don’t click on it! Okay? Instead, you want to click on the ‘this’ section. It is a plus sign with this.

steemitvideos automatically share steemit post to linkedin ifttt spencer coffman create applet

You’ll click here to set up the trigger. Since you want a Steemit blog and there isn’t a Steemit icon we will use the RSS feed. Add a new feed item, which means every time something is added to this feed it will trigger your action.

steemitvideos automatically share steemit post to linkedin ifttt spencer coffman choose trigger

So you can go here and put in your RSS feed. You want it to be streemian dot-com / RSS / app and then your username, Okay? That is very important. Two things are you want it to be streemian dot com not Steemit dot com. And then you want to make sure to replace my username with your username. If you don’t do that then you’ll end up sharing my content to LinkedIn and I would really appreciate that but I’m pretty sure you’ll want to share your content.

steemitvideos automatically share steemit post to linkedin ifttt spencer coffman complete information

Once you have that set in, click ‘create trigger’. Then we will click on the ‘that’ section to set up our response. We’re going to scroll down to the ‘LinkedIn’ section and what we’re going to share is a link. So we’ll click that and you see the link URL will be our entry URL. Comment will be our feed title or I can change that. So maybe I’ll say ‘via my Steemit blog’ and the image URL is optional but they will attempt to use the best image if left blank.

steemitvideos automatically share steemit post to linkedin ifttt spencer coffman choose action

Now, you’ll see here that there isn’t a spot for your title so what I’m gonna do is in my comment section I’m gonna add my ‘entry title’. So now it will put the ‘title of my blog post via my Steemit blog’. That might sound goofy so you could just get rid of this and have your title there so then it would be the link in the entry title. I think that’s what I’m going to do. Then hit ‘create action’. Then you’ll see here ‘if a new feed item happens on streemian, share a link on my LinkedIn profile’.

steemitvideos automatically share steemit post to linkedin ifttt spencer coffman final details

Click finish and you will see it is on and it has been completed. You made a new applet. So that is how you can share things from Steemit to your LinkedIn account automatically. When you post on Steemit, your LinkedIn followers will be notified. If you get stuck in any part of this process put a comment down there in the comments I’ll be around to help answer any questions that you may have.

Also, subscribe to this channel, You can like the video, share it with anyone else who may need this help, click that little bell icon to get notified for new videos and new content, and I’d really appreciate it if you follow my Steemit blog and upvote a post here and there. This video will be on there so if you liked the video go ahead and upvote that post. Until next time.


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