Hopefully, by now you’ve read the book A Healthier You By Spencer Coffman. If so, you know what you can do to start living a healthier and more energetic life. Your life has a way of always being busy, which means you opt for convenience foods rather than healthy foods. In addition, you may not exercise as much as you like or always follow healthy habits. Unfortunately, this isn’t good for you and it causes you to feel tired and sluggish. Fortunately, A Healthier You provided you with some great tips to stay healthy even with your busy lifestyle.
Therefore, make an effort to incorporate what you learned in the book and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Of course, it is easier said than done, but nothing good comes easy. If you want to live a healthier and fitter life then you need to make some changes. Don’t worry though; the A Healthier You Resource Cheat Sheet will help you stay on top of your health so you can become a fitter, healthier you!
Superfood Health Chart
This is a great list of all kinds of foods that are amazing for your body. They are known as “Super Foods” which means they provide so many great nutrients that you should try to incorporate them into your diet.
The Diet Quiz
Weight Loss Joy presents… The Diet Quiz! Now you are only a few questions away from finding your ideal diet plan. You must be very honest with yourself so that you will get some results that you can use. Go ahead and give it a try!
Choosing The Right Diet
Mayo Clinic is an authority figure when it comes to health. In this great article, they walk you through everything you need to know so that you can select the diet that is right for you.
Choosing The Right Workout For You
Fitness Magazine has a lot of great articles and resources in the health niche. Here is a pretty good resource to use when deciding what you are going to do to stay in shape.
Drink More Water!
Perhaps the most important thing when it comes to your health is making sure you drink plenty of water. Water is probably the best thing for your body and you need to make sure you get enough. Take a look at this great article for more reasons why you need to drink more water!
iPhone Health App
This is an amazing app that you can use to track many of your fitness goals. In addition, it is also a platform. This means it allows other apps to work, and communicate, with it. Definitely take the time to learn how to use this app.
Health Apps For Droid Users
If you don’t have an iPhone, then you should still find an app that can help you out. Androids have a number of apps that you can use. Go ahead and select one from the list and put it into action.
How To Check Your Recovery Rate
It’s important to know how quickly you recover after working out. There are several methods of checking your recovery rate. Go ahead and choose the one that’s right for you!
Heart Rate Monitor
Staying on top of your heart rate is very important if you are trying to stay fit and healthy. You can do this with a heart rate monitor and there are several options available.
A Healthier You by Spencer Coffman
If you haven’t already read it, here’s your chance. This book will show you 101 powerful tips to live a healthier lifestyle.
The Four-Hour Body by Tim Ferris
Once again Tim Ferris has another great resource for you. This book is filled with all kinds of information to help you get the body you want.
The Whole 30 by Melissa Hartwig
Here is a great guide that you can use to get your health in order in only 30 days. It is a complete 30-day guide to achieve optimal health.
How Not To Die by Michael Greger
The title of this book should be enough in and of itself to get you to read it. However, in case it isn’t, this book is all about the foods out there that can prevent and reverse disease. Check it out!
Your Body’s Many Cries For Water by F. Batmanghelidj
It’s no secret. Your body needs water. This book details decades of research detailing how water can cure almost any ailment. At any rate, even if you don’t read the book, start drinking more water!
Of course, there are many more great resources out there. However, the A Healthier You book, the Checklist, the Mind Map, and this Resource Cheat Sheet should be more than enough to get you started. Stick with it, and you’ll be a fitter, healthier you in no time!