Hopefully, by now you’ve read the book Affiliate Marketing Expert By Spencer Coffman. If so, you know what you can do to start making some money online. Life always seems like it is filled with one expense after another. These expenses can either be really easy or really difficult depending on your monetary situation. Fortunately, you have decided to take the next step. You are dedicated to always having enough money. You’ve had enough of struggling to make ends meet and have decided to do something about it. Fortunately, Affiliate Marketing Expert provided you with some great ideas on how you can start making extra cash with affiliate marketing.
Therefore, make an effort to incorporate what you learned in the book and work hard to become financially free. Of course, it is a lot easier said than done, but nothing good comes easy. If you want to live a life of financial peace then you need to make some changes. It’s a mindset that you need to work to develop and it will take time and effort. Don’t worry though; the Affiliate Marketing Expert Resource Cheat Sheet will help give you a leg up in the world of affiliate marketing so you can start making more money sooner, rather than later.
Warrior Special Offers
Warrior Forum is a great resource that you can use to find trending affiliate products and keep up with what is happening online. You can also promote affiliate products of your own. Be careful though, they have a lot of rules and you can get blocked pretty easily if you aren’t careful.
CB Trends
This is a list that shows the top trending and popular products on ClickBank. Use it to help you decide which products you are going to promote.
Spencer Coffman YouTube Channel
Here is a great channel with lots of reviews for affiliate products that you may wish to use to help you with your business. Go ahead and start watching some of the videos, see how the products work, and decide which ones are best for you.
How To Cloak Your Affiliate Links
When you start promoting affiliate products it is a good idea to cloak your links so that the social media sites have a harder time recognizing them. This will help make sure your posts don’t get blocked.
The Truth About Affiliate Marketing
This article explains the truth about affiliate marketing and tells you what you need to know before you dive into the exciting world of affiliate marketing.
Popular Affiliate Networks
JVZoo is probably the best affiliate network for beginners. You can sign up to promote any product you like by requesting approval directly from the seller. Commissions vary depending upon the seller. Go ahead and request to promote my books and I’ll give you 100% of the sale!
ClickBank is a pretty good affiliate network. It is more widely known that JVZoo, which means that there are tons of promotion opportunities. Unfortunately, it isn’t as easy to use as JVZoo but don’t let that stop you!
Commission Junction
Commission Junction, now known as CJ, is kind of a hassle. They have a lot of rules and the interface is convoluted. In addition, if you don’t have a certain number of referrals each month, they may restrict your account. Whether or not you use it is up to you.
Amazon Associates
Amazon Associates is Amazon’s affiliate program. You can sign up for free and get a link to any product on Amazon. You can also promote search results and general pages. The only trouble is Amazon doesn’t like to pay its affiliates. They have rules and loopholes, which mean you rarely get credited for your referrals. Still it’s worth signing up and using because once you surpass their limitations you will get paid. However, until then, it can be frustrating.
eBay Partner Network
Like Amazon, eBay also has an affiliate network. However, because they aren’t as large as Amazon, they are pretty lax with the rules. Simply sign up and you can create links to any eBay item. They track your referrals and pay you for every purchase you refer, unlike Amazon, who only pays you for “qualified” purchases.
Tools For Affiliate Marketing
Pretty Link
Pretty link is a great WordPress plugin that you can use to cloak your affiliate links. I recommend the pro version because it is highly worth it. Go ahead and take a look at my review video as well.
Thrive Products
Thrive has several products that may be useful for your affiliate marketing business. Go ahead and take a look at the many different tools they have to offer.
Great Amazon Affiliate Tools
Here are some amazing products that you can use to really help you build your affiliate store. There are plugins, themes, and software tools that can save you a lot of time and money.
Script Engage
Script Engage is an amazing online tool that you can use to help create any type of script that you will ever need. You can make sales pages, email swipes, lead pages, landing pages, and anything and everything else!
Of course, there are many more great resources out there. However, the Affiliate Marketing Expert book, the Checklist, the Mind Map, and this Resource Cheat Sheet should be more than enough to get you started. Stick with it, and you’ll start noticing some great success in no time!