- More about the life of John the Baptist.
- Additional parables from Jesus.
- More details about gospel parables.
- More about the ministry of Jesus.
- And Much More!
The Gospel of the Kailedy, which means Wise Strangers, is a compilation of The Book of John the Baptist and The Book of the Natsarim, commonly translated as Nasorine or Nazarene. Reading it will provide you with a deeper understanding of the ministry of Jesus.
The book you are about to read is compiled and edited for your reading pleasure. The two books are separate and chapter and verse numbers are added for easy reference. The names of the Father and the Son are restored, while the other terms are in plain English. The text is sectioned by topic and each section has a topic heading. Perhaps the most noteworthy modification is that Scripture references for as many sentences as possible have been painstakingly added to help display the parallels between this book and the Scriptures. This also helps support the validity of the text. In addition, the words spoken by our Savior are in red.
Spencer Coffman is the founder of Social Media Ministries. A ministry dedicated to sharing the Word of God with the entire world. He has written many books on a variety of topics, all of them with the purpose of teaching and helping others. Get to know Spencer by viewing his website spencercoffman.com. Learn more about Social Media Ministries and their efforts to reach the entire world with the salvation message of Jesus Christ by visiting socialmediaministries.com.
Title: The Gospel of the Kailedy
Format: PBK, eBook
Editor: Spencer Coffman
Cover Design: Spencer Coffman
Editor: Spencer Coffman
Publisher: Spencer Coffman
Originally Published: May 6, 2024
ISBN: 979-8-3211066-5-5 (Paperback) May 2024
ISBN: 978-0-9968562-2-5 (Digital) May 2024
Weight: 9oz
All Rights Reserved
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